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有抱负的人:报效祖国的博士-A Doctor Devoted to His Motherland
更新时间:2024-04-19 10:25:24

有抱负的人:报效祖国的博士-A Doctor Dvotd to His Mothrland 英语 报效祖国的博士

有抱负的人:报效祖国的博士-A Doctor Devoted to His Motherland







根据上述提示,以“A Doctor Dvotd to His Mothrland”为题,给《英文21世纪报》用英语写一则100—12词的简讯。要求内容连贯。

生词:①麻省理工学院:Massachustts Institut of Tchnology

②沃尔什公司:th Walsh Company


A Doctor Dvotd to His Mothrland

Mr. Xiang Ming, D. Sc①, rturnd to China in 1989 without hsitation.

“I'm a Chins. It's my duty to dvot all my lif to my mothrland②,” said h.

Mr. Xiang Ming, mal, agd 39, is now working in Bijing chmical works as a chif nginr.

Aftr h graduatd from Bijing nginring Collg in 1980, h was snt to Massachustts Institut of Tchnology in th U. S. A. to study chmistry. In 1986 h rcivd a doctor's dgr③. Shortly aftr h gaind fam in scintific rsarch, th Walsh Company's managr trid hard to mploy him and promisd to giv him a good salary. But Mr. Xiang did not accpt th mploymnt.


①D. Sc是 Doctor of Scinc的缩写,意为“理学博士”。

②dvot on's lif/onslf to somthing 为……而献身

③“博士学位”的英语表达是“a doctor's dgr”;“获得……学位”用“rciv a…'s dgr”来表达。例如,我们可以说“rciv a bachlor's/mastr's dgr”(获得学士/硕士学位)。


1)本文也是介绍说明文。但这是介绍别人的,我们把它叫做“人物简介”(a brif introduction to a prson),也称人物传略(profil)。不过,本文与真正意义上的人物简介或人物传略有所不同。正式的这类文章是完全按时间顺序安排结构的,比如本文应该用“Xiang Ming is a man at th ag of 39.”开篇,接下来写上文的第四段“Aftr h graduatd from. …But Mr. Xiang did not accpt th mploymnt.”,然后是第二段,再写第一段,最后是第三段,把其中的“mal, agd 39”删掉。而本文是按“内容提示”给报纸写的“简讯”。所以,文章应该兼有新闻特写的文体特点。新闻特写要求把最重要的内容安排在最前面,接着引用人物所说的话作客观报道,下面才是正统意义上按时间顺序组织的介绍说明。

2)第四段是按时间顺序写的,用表时间顺序的衔接词语“aftr”,“in 1986”, “shortly aftr”来体现。

3)第三段用“mal”,“agd 39”和“as an nginr”等来介绍人物的性别、年龄和身份,是写人物传记或人物简介时常用的典型表达方式,既简单明了,又生动活泼。如果把这几项内容分别写成4个简单句,如“Mr. Xiang Ming is a man. H is 39 yars old. H is now working in Bijing chmical works. H is an nginr.”就显得十分啰嗦,单调乏味。

有抱负的人:报效祖国的博士-A Doctor Dvotd to His Mothrland 英语


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